United Way Glenelg Initiative

Magic of Storytime


The Magic of Storytime is an initiative that provides a rich and engaging experience for children, sparking their imagination and curiosity, while also providing an opportunity for parents and caregivers to connect and form networks and friendships.

The sessions are held on the first Friday of the month (excluding school holidays) at the Glenelg Libraries in Portland.

In 2023, the program has invited members of the sporting community to come and read their favourite childhood stories to children aged from birth to 5 years.

This initiative is supported by Portland Aluminium and Glenelg Libraries.

Check out our events on facebook for the next Magic of Storytime in Portland https://www.facebook.com/pg/unitedwayglenelg/events/?ref=page_internal


Inspired by the heart-warming “Old People’s Home for 4-Year-Olds” documentary, the Magic of Storytime program brings the joy of storytelling to a Residential Aged Care Centre located at Heywood Rural Health.

This initiative provides an opportunity for local community members, kindergarten and childcare children, and residents to interact and bond over a shared love of stories.

The books chosen for the program are selected from the Dolly Parton Imagination Library and celebrate significant national events.

This initiative is supported by Portland Aluminium, Glenelg Libraries, Heywood Rural Health, and Elsa MacLeod Kindergarten, providing a valuable intergenerational experience for all participants.

Check out our events page on facebook for the next Magic of Storytime in Heywood. https://www.facebook.com/pg/unitedwayglenelg/events/?ref=page_interna

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