United Way Glenelg Initiative

Read Across Glenelg

Inspired by Children’s Book Week and the idea of “United Through Books,” United Way Glenelg aims to engage parents and children in every home.

A major challenge in achieving this goal is overcoming low parental literacy rates and low income, which can make it difficult for children to engage with books at an early age.

Research shows that the foundations of literacy should be laid in a child’s early years.

Becoming familiar with physical books, letter and word formation, and opportunities to learn and enjoy stories can start with parents and caregivers in the home.

Unfortunately, in Australia, many children do not encounter books until their first day of school, which can lead to frustration for the student.

To celebrate Children’s Book Week, Portland Aluminium employees volunteer their time to go into primary schools across the Glenelg Shire and promote the importance of reading aloud.

In 2025, on Wednesday, 20 August, Portland Aluminium employees will head out to schools and encourage families to continue reading to their children as their imaginations grow, helping to build the foundation of literacy in their early years.

Check out our events on Facebook for more information on Read Across Glenelg. https://www.facebook.com/pg/unitedwayglenelg/events/?ref=page_internal

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